Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Sibling Bond

The Sibling Bond

Time is passing so quickly
We, the four siblings still meet;
Sometimes nightmares come and go
Burdening with pain in the heart.

The life we lived was with dark shadows,
Yet, so many sweet stories to say,
One little brother, three sisters around mother
While father's love sadly faded away...

Those valleys and mountains; if they can talk
Behind our old house would say,
How carefree life we were gifted with?
No classes no homework as of today!

Have you heard about 'doll families'?
We  played throughout our holidays,
The dolls are still living with us,
Singing songs on old sweet days.

Kinship; what a wonderful thing?
Is the greatest gift parents gave;
Nothing can replace this sibling bond
Which is a shining, sparkling ray......


  1. The poems take one to the past
    To recollect times that never last
    Even the dolls that are handmade
    Touch the heart with a brighter shade.

    1. Thank you, Sir, for your nice comment. When I was young I made all these dolls. Each of us had a separate doll family. Each family had a house, with furniture, kitchen ware etc. All of them were made by us. Sometimes we made the houses outside,with mud and bricks. We held weddings, trips, funerals of these doll families. What a wonderful life it was?
